
5.20 is A Day of Caring

A volunteer team of over 90 department heads and staff representatives visited Greenfield Garden- our staff and workers’ hostel on May 20- for the 520 Leo’s Caring Day! In Mandarin the pronunciation of ‘five-two-zero’ is similar to ‘I Love You’. The code is widely spread among citizens in China thus the 20th of May is a day to confess their love, and caring to their loved ones.

At Leo we made the 20th of May the ‘Leo’s Caring Day’ to remind Leonians to express their care and love to others and the community. The Caring Day was an inspiring event for all Leonians to join together and show their love and caring to colleagues, and also customers and suppliers in every moment we are in touch.

The event was celebrated with various activities in our factory. From small treats in the canteen to fun fair games for Leonians and their families, and a light corridor and photo booth at the Greenfield Garden. We saw smiling faces all around and colleagues enjoying a wonderful Caring Day.

The Leo’s Caring Day is just the beginning, and we would continue to spread our caring and love, as you are always in our hearts!
News / News and Events / 5.20 is A Day of Caring