
Mellow Color

Mellow Color is a color evaluation system used to check the color of printed sheets during production.

Benefits to our clients include:
 •  Consistent color appearance job-to-job,
     month-to-month, press-to-press
 •  Assured re-print color matching
 •  Proof to Print color fidelity
 •  Shortened make-ready times and
     reduced waste
 •  Optimized color performance from
     existing equipment
 •  Increased margins through improved 
What does a Certified Mellow Color Proficient Printer and a 100 Club Member make a difference?
Capable of producing consistent standardized color appearance conforming to the ISO 12647 Specification
Capable of producing work 100% in compliance with the tight targets and tolerances of the Mellow Color Quality management system
Acknowledge our ability to produce Marks & Spencer (M&S) packaging products
Provide our best in production and service to achieve values to our clients
Initiatives / Innovation & Technology / Printing / Mellow Color